Pistol Permit Application

Concealed Pistol Permit Information

In order to apply for a Pistol Permit you must be a resident of Hughes County, SD for no less than 30 days and be eighteen years of age or older. Standard Permits are issued within 5 business days after a completed application is dropped off at the Hughes County Sheriff's Office. Enhanced and Gold Card Permits may take longer because of the fingerprint background investigation. When dropping off the completed application a copy of your driver's license will be obtained.  

Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm.

Click here to print off the application. 

Applicants applying for the Standard Permit will need to stop back at the Sheriff's Office after 5 business days to pay for and sign the Temporary Permit.

Applicants applying for either the Enhanced Permit or Gold Card will be notified via phone when their background checks have been completed.


Standard Pistol Permit

- Must pass a background check

- Permit is valid in 31 states

- Permit is valid for 5 years


Enhanced Pistol Permit

- Must complete a qualifying firearms training class

- Must pass an FBI fingerprint background check

- Permit is valid in 38 states to include Minnesota and Nebraska

- Permit is valid for 5 years

Click here for a list of qualifying handgun instructors.


Gold Card

- Must pass an FBI fingerprint background check

- Permit is valid in 32 states to include Wisconsin

- Permit is valid for 5 years


Please note that along with the Enhanced and Gold Card fees there will be additional fees for the fingerprinting and background check. At the time of the fingerprint appointment you will need to have a photo ID and $20.00 cash or check made out to The City of Pierre.

Enhanced Permit applicants will also need to show proof of successful completion of a qualifying hand gun course at this time as well.  

Fingerprint appointments can be made through the Pierre Police Department by calling (605) 773-7413. Gold Card fingerprint cards will be supplied by the Sheriff's office and Enhanced Permit fingerprint cards will be supplied by the firearms training instructor. 


More detailed information regarding the different types of Pistol Permits can be obtained by calling the Secretary of State or by visiting the South Dakota Secretary of State's website.


Reciprocity Information can also be obtained through the South Dakota Secretary of State's website by clicking this link.


Any additional questions can be answered by calling the Hughes County Sheriff's Office at (605) 773-7470.